Digital Marketing For Restaurants

P2a - So, you want to start an email collection system for your restaurant?

Where am I finding my email leads?

Let’s first start with where you are NOT getting your email addresses.
You are not buying names, you are not scraping lists, and you're not hijacking someone else's contact base or anything else that would add people to the list that:
a.       have never heard of you.  
b.      don't want to be on your list.
So now that that is out of the way, there are two organic (not paid) places you are going to collect leads:
1.      Website
2.      In-store

Website contact collection.

95% of all traffic hitting your home page is not making a reservation and is not planning to come in within the week. So, what the heck are they doing there? Research. They are trying to decide if your restaurant is worthy of them spending their money and time. How did they get there? Google keyword search, social media post, review website, but probably it was through the recommendation of a friend or family member. See, no matter where people hear about you, they almost always circle back to check out your website. Your website is the hub of your marketing strategy.
Now we know your website is clear because you have defined your Who, Why, and What and How, right?
So next, we take that incentive we created in the previous article and offer it to our website visitors in exchange for permission to market to them.
First, this needs to be above the fold (meaning it needs to be visible in the first screen of your desktop and mobile view for your website.) This does not mean that we are going to use a big clunky form. Simply put, we will use a button that says "get incentive name" here. For example, if you are exchanging a free appetizer, you would put "GET A FREE APPETIZER" on the button.
Next, you would make one of your top navigation menu items, "GET A FREE APPETIZER."
Then you would add to the top of your footer, above your site sign off and social media links another button that says,"GET A FREE APPETIZER."
So, where are these buttons and links going? A specific landing page to capture the contact information by opening another tab on their browser.
What this landing page should look like.
1.      Your company logo, not massive but just enough to let them know that they are still on your page.
2.      A clear description of the incentive. Ex. Is there a min purchase or is this a BOGO! You don't want to be misleading and lose trust.
3.      A form that links to your email list collecting these four things:
a.      First Name – RequiredYou need this to help personalize all your emails
b.      Last Name – not Required - as you seldom use because it makes things too formal, but it's a sign of commitment if they give it to you
c.      Email – RequiredI shouldn't have to give a reason, but this is the hub of all communications.
d.      Have you had the "restaurant name" experience? – required I will explain in more detail why this is so important further down.
                                                              i.     Yes, I have, and I want more.
                                                            ii.     No, I haven't, but I can't wait.
4.      Now you add your tag line and subheading just to reinforce your branding.
5.      Then buttons for your menu and reservations if you take them.
6.      Then location information, a map, a link or at the very least your address
When the form is submitted, it is very important that you customize the ‘thank you’ landing page.
1.      Make a copy of the collection page.
2.      Remove the form.
3.      Add in your "thank you" message. Be specific about what they signed up for and what they will be getting.
4.      Remind them to check their promotions, junk, or spam folder (because you are sending them an instant email).

That is how you set up the collection for your website.

I just wanted to circle back and highlight the importance of the Have you had the "restaurant name"experience?
First, the choices for answers pre-frame people's excitement. Don't just make the options a simple yes or no; this is where you can show some passion, and they can get excited about being on your list.
Most great restaurants ask this question at the start of service. The waiter walks up to you and says, “Hi, welcome to the restaurant; have you been here before?” Then the great server, which is an order maker, not an order taker, tailors their introduction depending on your answer. They may give a more detailed description of the menu to someone who hasn't been at the restaurant vs just ask if they have any questions about the list. The point is that even if you're addressing the same thing to someone, how you say it can be tweaked slightly if you know whether they are a new or returning guest.
Now you can do the same thing with your emails, and you start to personalize the messages that you send.
Although you may be collecting information from returning guests, this is by far the best way to capture a potential new guest. As long as you are following up with relevant connections, you will keep your restaurant top of mind until they have a chance to visit.

Next, we will talk about a few ideas for collecting in-store visitors

Happy Marketing


P1 - So, you want to start an email collection system for your restaurant?

Your Restaurant Marketing Plan starts by creating an incentive for to exchange for an email address. This is the top of the Restaurant Funnel and the best was to Increase Restaurant Sales.

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